
The best sustainable gifts for the foodies in your life

We found the best gifts for the cooks and foodies in your life, from fancy pans to cute aprons and pasta makers.

We all have a foodie in our lives that makes Nigella Lawson look like a novice. From complicated techniques to never heard of chefs and restaurants, it can be challenging to keep up with them and even more to find something original and unique to gift them for Christmas. 

They probably have every famous chef cookbook, the weirdest utensils that seem impossible to use and have visited and ordered from every single restaurant in town by now. So, what can you buy for a complicated foodie this Christmas? 

We find that going for something useful, classic and of good quality is the best option when it comes to someone that is really passionate about food and cooking. To help you find the best sustainable gifts for foodies on the market, we selected our favourites – from cookbooks to fancy aprons and high-performance pans – to satisfy every kind of foodie and every pocket.

A Modern Introduction to Wine online course, Wild Wine School, £350.

the future kept wood honey dipper sustainable gifts for foodies

Honey dipper, Amazon, £6.99.

Pebble Otherwere Pentatonic sustainable gifts for foodies

Pebble, Otherware, £49.

Philips pasta maker sustainable gifts for foodies

Viva Collection pasta maker, Philips, £179.99.

Grill sustainable gifts for foodies

Hot Stone Grill in gift box, Artesa, £39.99.

Always Pan Our Place sustainable gifts for foodies

Always pan, Our Place, £71.

Ishkar glassware sustainable gifts for foodies

Six Lapis tumblers, Ishkar, £89.

Minna apron sustainable gifts for foodies

Grid apron, Minna, £95.

Opinel knives sustainable gifts for foodies

Opinel knives, Whitby&Co, £33.95.

eco kitchen set sustainable gifts for foodies

Eco Kitchen Sink Gift Set, £4.25.

Traditional pasta maker sustainable gifts for foodies

Atlas 150 pasta machine, Marcato, £61.56.

Minimalist baker cookbook sustainable gifts for foodies

Minimalist Baker’s Everyday Cooking: 101 Entirely Plant-Based, Mostly Gluten-Free, Easy and Delicious Recipes, Dana Shultz, £23.99.

food huggers sustainable gifts for foodies

Green Island food huggers, Eco Green Revolution, £4.95.

Le Creuset pan sustainable gifts for foodies

Cast Iron Square Grillit, Le Creuset, £125.

marble board Nkuku sustainable gifts for foodies

Bwari round marble board, Nkuku, £50.

Photography: Becca Tapert / courtesy of brands

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