
Revenge travel: the trend that could save the travel industry

2023 is the year of the revenge travel. From weekends away to long hauls, people are itching to travel again.

After a year with little to no travel, people can’t wait to jump on a plane to a dreamy destination – so it doesn’t come as a surprise that revenge travel is set to be the main travel trend of 2023.

According to a survey by Impala – of consumers across the United States, United Kingdom, European Union, Switzerland and the United Arab Emirates who regularly travelled before COVID-19 hit –  more than half (58 per cent) didn’t travel at all in 2020.

Even if things seem to be slowly getting better, some people will probably stay in their own countries to avoid the constant testing and the inevitable worry that comes with the instability of the situation. On the other hand, a lot of people are ready to get tested and get onto those planes as soon as possible. 

If before Covid our major concerns before a holiday would be the weather, the restaurants to visit and the price of the trip, some things have unfortunately changed forever. Travellers are now looking at places where the vaccination rates are high and the healthcare system is good before anything else, as reported by Tripadvisor

Security seems to come first and travellers are planning on spending hefty sums to get to experience a safe and very sought-after break. In Expedia’s travel trend report, the company affirms that millennials will be spending $5462 on holidays in 2021 and that they are very happy to cut on other expenses to be able to afford more trips this year.

From long hauls to weekend trips to the countryside, we are all ready to start exploring – so where should you go for your revenge travel trip of 2023? We thought about a couple of holiday destinations to explore, without leaving the European continent. 

Discover some beautiful Italian masserias

Where else can you find amazing weather, incredible food, stunning architecture and friendly locals? In Italy, of course. 

If you are after a relaxing but fun holiday, this year is perfect to go on a tour of the most beautiful masserias in the southern region of Puglia. 

Thanks to the region getting more and more fans in the last couple of years, lots of new masserias have been popping up with incredibly high standards when it comes to service and food. Struggling to decide which ones to visit? We selected the best ones to save you some precious planning time. 

Read more here.

Take a long ‘work from home’ holiday in Croatia

Like many other European countries, Croatia’s economy relies heavily on tourism. In a genius move, the Croatian government has taken the matter into their own hands by introducing Croatia’s Stay Safe in Croatia campaign. 

The campaign includes priority vaccinations for tourism workers, making Croatia one of the safest destinations on the continent.

If you are searching for a place to spend a few weeks working from home while enjoying the sun, a few hotels have special offers in place to make you feel at home. The Hotel Excelsior, for example, has a Work and Feel at Home program especially conceived for digital nomads.

Read more here.

Get spiritual in Santiago de Compostela

Do you feel like this year had a bad effect on your mental wellbeing? A trip to Santiago de Compostela with your partner or your best friend might be the balm for the soul you need.

2021 is the Holy Year for the Camino de Santiago and a great excuse to walk this iconic trail. 

After a tiring and satisfying walk, there is nothing better to relax in a Relais&Chateau for a couple of days. 

To celebrate the 2021 Holy Year, the hotel Quinta de Agua has launched a Pilgrims Package from 900€ for two, which includes two nights’ B&B accommodation, one dinner at Filigrina, one “pilgrim therapy” at the spa, one guided city tour discovering the Santiago de Compostela legacy and a surprise gift for pilgrims.

Read more here.

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