Jori Papa bringing back the fun in shoes

The London based brand Jori Papa is bringing the fun back to our feet with their colourful and elegant shoes.

While I forgot how to wear anything that is not sneakers or Birkenstocks thanks to Covid, I still think shoes are the most amazing part of a wardrobe

Whatever the circumstance – from work lunches to tinder dates – someone’s shoes can really tell you a lot about their style and, sometimes, even something about their personality. 

Before the pandemic took all the fun away, I was the kind of person that puts all their efforts in their shoes. Most of my wardrobe might be black, white and grey but I love a pair of studded boots or electric blue suede platforms, and I’m more than attracted to geometrical heels. It’s not very original, but I just love them.


Shoes can really make any outfit fun and quirky and that’s why Jori Papa’s collection instantly put a smile on my face. The colours are bold, the heels are thick and geometric and the styles are just eccentric enough to be noticed but not to be unwearable in your everyday life.

Designed by an architect with a passion for fashion, Jori Papa’s shoes are a mix between a very lucky vintage find and a little sculpture to cherish.

The Elsa Mule in white leather punctuated by bright red flower has stolen my heart. A chic, versatile mule that would elevate any look.

Learn more about Jori Papa on

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