
Revlon might have created the perfect affordable hair tool

Everybody is talking about it like the more affordable solution against the overly expensive Dyson Airwrap, but will Revlon’s hairdryer and volumiser pass the test? Revlon tool

I am a prime target for any hair related plugs. I have thick, long, curly hair, and I am always on the hunt for anything that could resemble a quick fix to style it in some way. As you can imagine, I get any existing hair and beauty ads on anything from Instagram to online magazines and so on. Honestly, if my phone started to whisper ‘Buy this new anti-frizz hair oil’ at night, I wouldn’t even be surprised. 

Dyson has been around for a while, but this year they have been pushing their Airwrap intensively and, of course, I get all the ads. Influencers and beauty editors rave about this indispensable new tool with a double zero price tag but, in all honesty, what kind of hair tool can ever be worth that much? I would rather spend that much on a lovely little holiday than something that is going to straighten my hair. 

As much as I want to resist the fascination of the tool, I did really want to try it, so I have done my research. It turns out that Revlon has created something very similar, for a fraction of the price. Less than fifty euros for Revlon’s equivalent to Dyson’s brush – I was sold. Revlon tool

When I was in my early twenties, I used to straighten my hair every single week. If you saw me blow-dry-less, it meant that it was a bad week. When I moved to a bigger city and started to work I had to stop, I just couldn’t spend that much time on it anymore, but I did miss it. The sensation when you get a blow dry is the same one that you get when you buy a new dress.

You feel like a new person for a while, and it gives you a little boost of confidence that makes your day better. I missed that self-care time I used to take for granted. If I had to blow dry my hair the traditional way now – meaning brush and hairdryer – I don’t think I would know how to do it anymore. Therefore, trying this product was incredibly exciting for me. 

In the pictures online, the brush seems quite bulky but it’s surprisingly light. The tool in itself it’s quite big, perfect for long hair but I am not sure if it would be a bit too big for a bob. As I said, I set this brush for a challenge because my hair is far from being simple to style. It’s a lot. It’s thick. It’s curly. It has it all. If this tool works on me, it will probably work on almost anyone. Revlon tool

After trying it for the first time, I am pleasantly surprised. I am not going to lie to you; it is not a quick fix. It took me 48 minutes in total to finish the blow dry but, as much I know this will seem very long for some, it’s an average amount of time for my type of hair. Considering that when I use my straightener I have to dry my hair first (and that alone takes fifteen to twenty minutes), it’s a relatively quick solution. 

At the end of it, my hair is straight but has volume, it’s soft, and it looks like a ‘proper’ blow-dry. The second day, my hair is the same, which is a significant victory – no additional frizz, the same volume and no need for another round of heat. Did I enjoy it? Of course not. Would I do it every week? Probably once every two weeks. Would I do it again and recommend it? Hell yes. Revlon tool

You can buy Revlon’s tool here.

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