
Relais & Châteaux has created the perfect gift for travellers

Is it too early to talk about Christmas gifts? In a world that has gone mad, it’s nice to start thinking about the most joyful winter occasion.

All the travellers around the globe had to put a stop to their exploring in 2020 due to a certain pandemic that is still forcing us in our homes. But what’s the best solution to fight the travel blues? Start organising your next trip, of course.

The iconic collection of luxury hotels and restaurants, Relais & Châteaux, has created 18 gorgeously lavish eco-friendly gift boxes that cost from as little as 130 € to 1 560 €. The vouchers can be used within two years from the purchase and are valuable anywhere in the world. From spa days to Michelin starred meals, it’s impossible not to find the perfect gift for the explorers, foodies or beauty addicted in our lives.

The boxes can be bought as e-gifts on their website but Relais & Châteaux also created a tangible object for the ones that still prefer to donate (or receive) a physical gift. The vouchers come in a little travel pouch made from recycled plastic bottles that the brand created in collaboration with the artisans of The Joinery in South Africa. More than 125 000 bottles are collected from the ocean and used to make this gift pouches – that can be reused over and over again to keep all flights essentials safe – every year.

An amazing gift made of experiences that is far more thoughtful than a perishable object. Gifting experiences this year is not only a fantastic present to give our loved ones after such a complicated period, but also a great help for an industry that has been so affected by the current health crisis.

Relais & Châteaux boxes can be purchase in English and French on their website and their physical shop in Paris.

Main image courtesy of: Auberge du Jeu de Paume in Chantilly, France.

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