
Best gifts for coffee lovers that they don’t already have

Who doesn’t like a perfect cup of coffee in the morning? We selected the best gifts for the coffee lovers in your life. 

If Britain was once a nation of tea drinkers, it’s coffee that seems to be the beverage that moves the UK economy. In 2018, Britons spent a whooping £10bn on takeaway coffees, an incredible amount of money that has been rising every year with new coffee concepts opening nationwide. 

Most of us know a coffee lover, or we are one ourselves. Some of us were used to grabbing a nice, professionally-made latte on our way to work, but lockdown meant that this nice routine had to be abandoned for a more basic homemade cup of black coffee. 

Having a coffee out every day can be pricey, but what if we learned how to make a delicious cup of coffee ourselves, in the comfort of our own kitchen? We selected the best gifts for coffee lovers that the internet has to offer to level up your and your loved ones’ breakfast game.

Thera matt retro coffee machine gifts for coffee lovers

Thera matt retro coffee machine, Create, £74.

caravan coffee xmas brü gifts for coffee lovers

XMAS BRÜ coffee, Caravan Coffee Roasters, £10.

Brompton coffee scoop gifts for coffee lovers

Brompton coffee scoop, Cotswold Trading, £10.

Bodum coffee grinder gifts for coffee lovers

Bistro electric blade grinder, Bodum, £29.45.

the world atlas of coffee gifts for coffee lovers

The World Atlas of Coffee: From beans to brewing, James Hoffmann, £15.36.

smeg coffee machine gifts for coffee lovers

Drip coffee machine, Smeg, £169.95.

Reusable capsule for Nespresso gifts for coffee lovers

Reusable capsule for Nespresso, Evergreen, £41.

mon cheri mug emoi emoi gifts for coffee lovers

Mug, Émoi Émoi, £18.

chemew coffee maker gifts for coffee lovers

Wood Neck Coffee Make, Chemex, £48.

Bodum french press gifts for coffee lovers

French press, Bodum, £11.89.

insulated coffee mug gifts for coffee lovers

Stainless steel insulated coffee mug, CCKOLE, £13.99.

keepcup gifts for coffee lovers

Reusable glass mug, KeepCup, £20.

tuttocrema bialetti gifts for coffee lovers

Tuttocrema, Bialetti, £26.59.

mini express machine bialetti gifts for coffee lovers

Mini express coffee machine, Bialetti, £29.30.

moka express italia edition bialetti gifts for coffee lovers

Moka express Italia collection, Bialetti, £24.22.

coffee mug warmer gifts for coffee lovers

Coffee mug warmer, Powergiant, £21.99.

Photos: Christiana Rivers / courtesy of brands

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