
The ultimate gift guide for the photographer in your life

From iPhone heroes to professional photographers, we have selected a few gifts that will make the photographers in your life very happy. 

Photography is one of the most democratic art forms around. Nowadays, you don’t need to have expensive equipment to get started in photography. Our phones can capture photos better then some cameras do and the result is mostly connected to the eye and the talent of the person behind the lens. 

We have had very limited occasions to explore the art of photography outside our homes this year, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t continue to work on the craft while we are stuck between four walls. 

From incredible online photography courses to lights, tripods and greenscreens – there is something for any kind of photographer in your life. No matter the level of ability or expertise, we have selected the best gifts for photographers to order online right now.

Annie Liebovitz masterclass

Annie Liebovitz course, Masterclass, £100.

Instant camera one step Polaroid best gifts for photographers

Instant camera, Polaroid, £99.99.

Leather camera bag best gifts for photographers

The Bowery camera bag, ONA, £232.

mini photo studio tent perfect to take pictures for blogs or online shops

Mini photo studio tent, CiaraQ, £11.99.

Softbox lights best gifts for photographers

Softbox lights, ESDDI, £69.99.

Adobe creative cloud membership, perfect gift for graphic designers

Adobe creative cloud annual membership.

flexible tripod perfect for selfies

Flexible tripod, Futubao, £17.99.

Go Pro action camera

Waterproof digital action camera, Go Pro, £199.99.

Green screen, best gifts for photographers

Greenscreen, Neewer, £22.49.

Think then shoot notebook for photographers

Think Then Shoot: A Photographer’s Pocket Notebook, Create Space, £5.97.

Instax printer Fujifilm

Printer, Fujifilm, £174.

Photo: Matt Hardy

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