Gallinée’s eye contour cream review: the eye product I would bring on a desert island

After months of wild experimenting, Gallinée’s eye contour cream is the product that has rescued my eyes from dark circles and dehydration. 

I first came across Gallinée when I met its founder, Marie Drago, during a work lunch. As standard practice, these launches are usually spent with a brand representative trying to fit as much information into one hour as humanly possible. This often includes ‘information’ on how that product is the best and newest thing around and how it will change people’s lives, of course. 

My lunch with Marie was nothing like that. First of all, Dr Drago knows what she is talking about and is so passionate about her creation (and skin bacteria) that when she talks about her beauty range, it sounds more like a biology class than an elevator pitch. When it comes to what I put in and on my body, I’d much rather talk to a doctor (in Marie’s case, a Doctor in Pharmacy and member of the French Society of Cosmetic Science) than a marketer. 

While explaining everything about skin bacteria, Marie swore to me that her new eye cream helped get rid of dark circles in just a week. As much as I trusted her, I didn’t really believe that. Creams, especially eye creams, have all sorts of claims written all over them, but I was yet to try one that made me think, ‘Wow, this works!’. 

When I tried Gallinée’s eye contour cream for the first time, it was the summer; I was tanned and didn’t have to wake up early and spend hours in front of my laptop. As much as I liked the cream then, I couldn’t wholeheartedly state that it was a miracle worker. 


Fast forward a few years; I’m now a very tired freelancer in the middle of a never-ending global pandemic that is stealing my sleep, and my dark circles are out of control. I have tried many things, but nothing worked on my tired eyes, even my concealer struggled to cover my dark circles, and I was getting frequent dry patches on the area around the eyes. 

In a glorious flashback, I remembered Marie’s claim, and I thought I would give Gallinée’s eye contour cream another go. After a month of using the product, I can tell you that she did not lie. 

I already loved Gallinée’s haircare line and their popular face vinegar, but nothing compares to my newfound obsession with their eye cream. 

After a couple of weeks, my eyes felt hydrated, I looked less tired, and my dark circles were noticeably reduced. After more than a month of using it, I have now ditched the concealer from my everyday makeup because (incredibly) my tinted moisturiser is enough to achieve a healthy look. 

The main ingredients are probiotic and prebiotic that nourish the good bacteria already present in our skin and fight bad bacteria, combined with algae extract to fight dark circles, squalane and shea butter for hydration and Vitamin E for an antioxidant effect.

Gallinée’s eye contour cream is very high on my list of the best beauty purchases I have ever made; my only regret is not to have bought it earlier.

Gallinée’s eye contour cream is 24£ at

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