
20 unique gifts for your wellness-obsessed friends

We selected the best wellness gifts from all your loved ones. From the yogi to the sceptic, there is something for everyone.

The wellness industry becomes bigger and bigger every year, from aromatherapy to meditation, yoga and crystal healing – there is always something new to explore in the quest to reach balance. 

If the usual amount of stress we endure in life wasn’t enough, 2020 gave us all a reason to reach out to the wellness world to find help and comfort. If any other year, a wellness-related gift would have been appreciated only by a niche, this Christmas, we bet everyone will enjoy some good old self-care

If you don’t know what to give someone you love, think about gifting something comforting, an object or an experience that will push them to take a moment for themselves. This could be a home-cooked meal that they don’t have to cook themself, a bath bomb or some bath oils, or even a journal.

To help you in your quest for the perfect wellness gifts, we selected twenty unique gifts that will make a difference in your loved ones’ lives.

Offering Incense Holder, The Future Kept, £40.

TBalance bracelets sustainable wellness gifts

Set of two citrine and enamel bracelets, TBalance on Net-a-Porter, £70.

Recycled yoga mat hejhej sustainable wellness gifts

Rather light recycled yoga mat, hejhej, £15.

girlfriend collective leggings sustainable wellness gifts

Compressive stretch leggings, Girlfriend Collective, £62.

patchology hand and foot moisturizing kit sustainable wellness gifts

Best in snow: Hand & Foot Moisturizing Kit, Patchology, £18.

Nubio cure sustainable wellness gifts

On veut… a sea tonic supplement, Nubio, £26.31.

silk sleep mask lunya sustainable wellness gifts

Washable silk sleep mask, Lunya, £36.50.

acupressure mat sustainable wellness gifts

Acupressure mat, Base yoga, £19.99.

tibetan singing bowl sustainable wellness gifts

Tibetan singing bowl set, Ohm Store, £19.97.

calm and mindful notebook sustainable wellness gifts

The calm & mindful notebook, The Little Calm and Happy Company, £16.95.

lush bath bomb to sleep better sustainable wellness gifts

Deep sleep bath bomb, Lush, £5.95.

meditation bench sustainable wellness gifts

Meditation bench, Berk, £45.49.

bala the power ring free people yoga sustainable wellness gifts

Bala the power ring, Free People, £78.

philips wake up light alarm clock sustainable wellness gifts

Wake-up light alarm clock, Philips, £59.99.

nightire pyjamas sustainable wellness gifts

No monday blues pyjamas, Nightire, £49.

Fortifying green bath potion by Magic Organic Apothecary sustainable wellness gifts

Fortifying green bath potion by Magic Organic Apothecary, Cult Beauty, £27.

lavander essential oils sustainable wellness gifts

Organic lavender essential oil by Bio Scents, Breeze, £9.

bath salts sustainable wellness gifts

Breathe In bath salt, Verdant Alchemy, £12.

roll on oil sustainable wellness gifts

Delicate romance perfume oil deluxe roll-on, Lola’s Apothecary, £23.

soft organic robe sustainable wellness gifts

Unisex cloud loom organic robe by Coyuchi, £113.

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