
The best indoor plants that are almost impossible to kill

Now that we are spending all our time at home, creating a space that makes us feel comfortable is more important than ever. 

At our third lockdown, we are experienced enough to know that our home is our temple and it needs to be treated as such. With over a year of experience in surviving a global pandemic, we now have all the fancy loungewear we need to make sure we are presentable but also cosy during Zoom calls, we have upgraded our collection of yoga pants to make sure we look stylish while on downward dog on IGTV and we are now connaisseurs when it comes to scented candles, but what about plants? 

It’s a scientific fact, plants can not only upgrade the look of our home but they can also have a huge impact on our moods and our health. Plants can boost your creativity, productivity and concentration and reduce stress, anxiety and fatigue. They also clean the hair in the home and absorb toxins. Needless to say, they also look amazing and can upgrade even the darkest room. We selected a few of the prettiest and easiest to care for indoor plants to upgrade your working from home space and more.  

Indoor plants that are impossible to kill
Snake plants are one of the easiest plants to care for.

Snake plant

Even Nasa suggests you get one of these bad boys right now. Snake plants are a great natural air purifier, they are super easy to care for and utterly lovely to look at while working at your desk on a grey day in the middle of a global pandemic.

Aloe vera

Everybody knows aloe vera is a miracle plant, but not many people know that it can easily be kept indoors. Aloe needs sun so make sure you reserve a spot near the window for it but it needs almost no water at all – perfect for those that tend to forget to water their plant babies. 

Spider plant

Another natural air purifier, the spider plant is a necessary addition to your green collection. If you treat it well enough, you’ll have the right to a few spiderettes – baby plants that dangle from the ‘mother’ plant like spiders do from their webs. It looks prettier than it sounds, we promise. 

Fiddle-leaf fig

Easy to keep for years even when you are a terrible plant parent,  fiddle-leaf fig plants are lush, green and oh-so-pretty and will upgrade any space in your home. If you have space for one plant only, this one is a keeper. 

Peace lily 

Do you want some flowers that don’t die after a day? No problem. Some plants do grow flowers and peace lily is a great plant for those who love flowers but don’t want to keep on buying them. This plant produces lovely white flowers all year round and doesn’t even need the sun.

Devil’s ivy

If you are searching for a plant that can upgrade your bookcases, shelves or walls, look no further than the devil’s ivy. Its heart-shaped, green leaves dangling from the ceiling would make any space look better and, bonus point, it also helps cleaning the air. 

Kentia palm

If you are after a bigger, sturdier plant, the kentia palm is what you need. This plant doesn’t need much care and lives well in the shade, even though it looks tropical. Its long, lucious, green leaves dangle from a tall and thin base, which means that you will have an extraordinary effect without needing a big space. 

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